As the majority of the population has not heard about HCG, it is a diet plan that has been around well over 50 years. This diet has changed the lives of thousands of individuals worldwide and the numbers are increasing fast. This diet has increasingly grown in popularity due to the rapid results.
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a glycoprotein hormone found in large volume in Pregnant Women. According to Doctor ATW Simeons, using HCG along with a low calorie diet can eliminate 1-2 lbs per day. As these claims may be hard to believe, most individuals who have used this diet have reported the same results. As loosing 2 lbs per day may be the highest, the average person does lose a pound per day.
The HCG diet plan for the 500 calorie a day diet as you can expect features foods that hardly contain any carbohydrates and starch at all. It is a protein and fiber diet from lean meats, fruits, vegetables and sea food and small pieces of non-calorie bread. It likewise demands great amounts of liquids, not less than two liters a day.
There are many individuals who believe that this diet is risky due to the low calorie intake. Now most people that believe this usually do not understand the science behind the diet and are quick to judge without even trying it.
Cleansing the body of impurities is the first steps towards weight lose as the detox diet also triggers the HCG hormone which stimulates stored fats. The hormone is also known to make the fat burning work faster.
According to users' feedback average fat loss is true and incredible amazing. That's fast no matter how you look at it. Aside from making the metabolism, it has another property that makes the diet a whole lot easier to manage. It keeps intense hunger pangs and food cravings at bay.
Many skeptics of the diet believe that this is another whim diet and a short term solution. Individuals who have completed the diet have not reported any gains of weight after using it. This diet seems to reset and balance your bodies control center, the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland. After completing the HCG weight loss your body will not crave all the high calorie foods that it once craved and stored as excess fat. It will change the way you eat.
There are no significant side effects either short or long term, reported in the literature or observed in clinics. The common effects that patients report include increased energy, better well-being feeling, more appetite suppression, and more significant waist line loss than overall weight loss.
The overall cost is about the same as your monthly food budget which you would save. You can expect to lose 20-30 lbs easily. This plan is actually not hard to follow. I personally recommend you buy HCG. Mostly likely, you won't feel hungry or sick. However, you need to do your portion to help yourself.

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As the majority of the population has not heard about HCG, it is a diet plan that has been around well over 50 years

Author : nagisa lee

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