What Has Calcium and Magnesium Got To Do With Weight Loss?
A weight loss health coach has been creating what some are considering miraculous results to help her clients lose weight. Most people don't even think about this problem.
What has she done? Among the lengthy list of solutions she has devised, she has turned her own, numerous attempts to lose into a positive result on, literally, thousands of others. In fact, she has gone from certified holistic health coach to entrepreneur in very little time on this premise alone.
Her weight loss program, became so successful, she was able to quit her job teaching high school mathematics and get over two thousand people in seven countries through her program in just her first two years, growth now including a calcium and magnesium product.
Without getting into detail about her program, which puts weight under each participant's control and educates them on how to maintain a healthy size. Especially unique to her approach is how she addresses a hidden cause of failed attempts by would-be "losers" who have given up, something from which not even she found herself exempt: Dieting and Weight Loss Side-Effects.
One of the most difficult, and invisible aspects of weight loss, is its array of unrecognized withdrawal and/or detox symptoms, where a diet seems it is "not working" causing most to just give up.
Part and parcel of her program is a short, but critical detox phase. Largely not obvious and unnoticed, most weight loss programs do have their periods of toxic elimination, along with attendant symptoms ranging from irritability and bad moods to out-right pain. What distinguishes this program is the recognition and handling of this with coaching on how to deal with it. Hence her incorporation of a calcium and magnesium product that feeds and calms the nerves.
Any detoxification, be it from drugs, poisons or any toxin, always includes some sort of physical and/or emotional withdrawal or detox. The reason this happens is that the body unloads the toxins from these chemicals, drugs, etc but usually there are too many and the body's in-built safety mechanism to deal with this is to coat the toxic particles with fat and deposit them in the fatty tissue.
Because of the locked up toxins, the body can go through some very uncomfortable reactions when the fat that contains them is being offloaded as it goes through a "detox" phase. Depending on the state of health and nutrition, the symptoms vary in degree. Overweight, being itself a symptom of poor health and nutrition, tends to carry with it more intense withdrawal symptoms.
This weight loss health coach compensates for this factor in her program by supplementing nutrition so, as the body dislodges the toxic particles locked up in the fatty tissue, it's much comfortable than it would otherwise be. The calcium and magnesium helps to supply the missing minerals while helping the body to be calmer and more comfortable so the person can go through the "detoxification" that happens.
Another factor that should be added into the regimen is unrefined sea salt - taken in drinking water. Put enough in so it tastes pleasant. Unrefined sea salt is a great source of all the minerals the body needs - more than 80 of them. (Back in the old days the sailors used to get paid with salt. The derivation of the word "salary" is salt - PAY.) So, along with additional calcium and magnesium, the body is much more able to dislodge the fat along with its toxins.
Common physical side-effects are sore, painful muscles, general aches and pains, headaches and the like, while emotional ones consist of anxiousness, elevated stress, depression, worry, exaggerated PMS and menopausal symptoms and many others. These, while apparently symptoms of withdrawal and detoxification, are also symptoms of nutritional deficiency, and vary in severity in near direct proportion to the degree of deficiency. Minerals being the main nutrients the body needs, this weight loss coach added in the calcium and magnesium, with great results. Now her clients have a much more comfortable experience.
Calcium and magnesium, in precise ratio, can alleviate withdrawal symptoms. After trying it for herself and her loved ones, she found it a critical ingredient of her already successful program, swearing by its use ever since, recommending it from Day 1.
In point of fact, she tells of one particular use of calcium and magnesium that was the single difference between whether or not anyone can do the program at all.
"There was one person who came to my weight loss seminar," recounts the coach, "who was unable to get any sleep without having a glass of wine before bed and she was unwilling to give that up. Ironically, the very thing getting her to sleep, a factor critical to weight loss, was also preventing her from losing the weight at all. I wouldn't allow her to do my program because of this and, instead, recommended she try the calcium and magnesium, replacing her nightly glass of wine with it for a week or two, and to let me know how it went. Two days later she signed up for the program.
"It is pretty obvious the difference it made, becoming the key reason she was able to do the program at all."
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