If you are not happy with your weight loss or if you are not getting satisfactory results from whatever you are doing to cut on your weight, you need to understand the three basic pillars associated with the concept of weight gain and weight loss. Many people only focus on one or two areas and don't really understand or incorporate the other in their strategy. I believe understanding these three basic and fundamental pillars will definitely help clarify the bigger picture of weight loss in your mind, hence eventually helping you to meet your goals much sooner.

The first pillar is 'diet'. What and how you eat has undoubtedly the biggest and most long-lasting impact on your weight. Nutritionists spend a lot of time preparing personalised meal plans catering for right amount of carbs, fats and proteins that are required by your body in order to meet your weight loss goals. Although it is quite hard to stick to such a strict diet, but it definitely pays off in long run. Diet should be treated as fuel required by your body to perform towards your goal, whether it's weight gain or weight loss.

However, diet alone cannot give you the results you are after. It should always be combined with appropriate and right amount of 'exercise' - which is the second pillar of weight loss. Many people misunderstand exercise with spending lots of money on gym memberships and hiring personal trainers. This is not necessary. As long you know the right amount of fats to burn and you are committed to the pace at which you want to slash the fat, it's really a matter of time and patience. Various studies show that best outcomes of exercise can only be observed over a period of time and not overnight. Even if you are not sweating litres and litres, if you consistently carry out your exercise plan, you will see the difference that will make you happy.

Diet and exercise both can be out of whack if you don't incorporate the third pillar of weight loss in your mission: commitment. Commitment is all about your desire and willpower to achieve your goals. You may have the perfect meal plan laid out in terms of carbs and proteins intake and you may have the most expensive gym membership in your suburb, but if you are not committed to put this in action, your mission will soon become your dream. Indeed, it is easier said than done, but with a bit of commitment, you can even add a cheat day per week in your calendar allowing yourself a bit of leniency in your mission.

If you are serious about losing weight and have an hour to spare every day, you need lean muscle weight loss. With a bit of commitment and promise to yourself, you are not too far from your weight loss goals!

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Muhammad_F_Mazher/604432

By Muhammad F Mazher https://ezinearticles.com/?3-Pillars-of-Weight-Loss&id=10282336

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10282336

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