7 Tips For How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off Permanently
Losing weight is one thing - but losing weight and keeping it off permanently is another. Weight loss can be quite demanding at times especially if you are not a fitness freak. It requires you to always be conscious of your diet and your waistline. Seemingly harmless choices such as eating a bag of fries or ice cream could take you right back to the start. So, here are 7 tips for how to lose weight and keep it off permanently.
1. Drink more water
Drinking water comes with many benefits to your body. It aids in digestion, keeps your skin glowing and keeps you hydrated. However, in this context, water is responsible for helping to boost your metabolism. This leads to more fat burning in the body.
2. Hit the ground running
Running is one of the best physical exercises you can engage in. This is why most athletes always go for a morning run every day during training. Running is a very good mix of both aerobics and strength training and it requires no gym equipment to do. Therefore, if you want to lose weight and keep it off permanently, it's time you hit the ground running. The other alternative to running is swimming since it also involves all body muscles. Brisk walking is an option here too.
3. Watch your carbs
Losing weight is all about balancing the math between the amount of calories you consume and the number of calories you use. The trick here is to make sure that you use more calories than you consume. Keeping a food diary could be a good way to track everything that you consume and work out what your daily calorie intake actually is.
4. Combine aerobics with strength training
Engaging in aerobics is the fastest way to lose weight. However, you also need to combine it with strength training so as to maximize the benefits. Aerobics are good cardio workouts and help keep your body in shape. But after losing weight fast, you are bound to have some loose skin, which is why it is also important to combine it with strength training to ensure good toning.
5. Never skip breakfast
It is common for people to wake up a few minutes late after pressing the snooze button three times. Once they realize that they've run out of time, they get dressed in a hurry and leave for work without even thinking about breakfast. Regularly skipping breakfast can be quite unforgiving. This is because it will leave you feeling hungry for the rest of the day and you will likely end up eating more - which eventually translates to more calories. Skipping breakfast also encourages other unhealthy eating habits such as unhealthy snacking between meals. If you want to lose weight and keep it off permanently, make sure you eat a full healthy breakfast every day.
6. Avoid added sugars
Whether it is labelled as honey, sweeteners or sugar, added sugars are your worst enemy - especially if it is refined. They eventually translate to excess carbs that are stored in your belly. Try to avoid or minimize your sugar consumption to keep off the weight you have lost so far.
7. Get a personal trainer
This tip is not that necessary but a personal trainer can come in really handy especially when you need to lose weight fast. Whether it is an upcoming competition or you just want to fit in that wedding dress next month, a personal trainer can help you achieve your fitness goals. All you have to do is set realistic goals and they will be there to help you lose weight and keep it off permanently in time for the upcoming anniversary or special event.
Weight loss is a journey that requires commitment. We've all heard of people who hit the gym for years to gain a six-pack which they later lost in just under a month! Weight loss requires discipline. Train your body to say no to unhealthy foods and unhealthy eating habits. Learn to suppress those cravings for a candy bar every afternoon. Create a training schedule and stick to it. Don't go to the gym for a day and then skip for two weeks then come back for another two days and expect results. Stay focused on your fitness goals, and this is how to lose weight and keep it off permanently!
Katie Evans is the founder of Fitter Healthier Me [https://www.fitterhealthierme.com/free-ebook4/]. Our mission is to provide you with the tools, insights and resources you need to feel fab and look great every single day. See over 25 titles in our Weight Loss eBook Store to support your goals. As a gift, we would also like to give you a FREE eBook: "45 Fantastic (And Surprising!) Ways to Burn More Calories"- click here to learn more now [http://www.weightlossestore.com]
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Katie_Evans/2479224
By Katie Evans
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9826107
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