Motivational Techniques to Exercise
One of the hardest parts of moving from the couch to the gym, or your chosen workout location is the motivation to do so. Many times I've worked my 8 hour day and get home and just want nothing more than just to roll into bed. Not even 8 hours before I made a game plan to make sure I get at least one hour of exercise in that same day. One of the reasons I've chosen to make sure I surround myself with options to my workout routine. I have a gym membership, as well as I have home p90x workout DVDs, and lastly when it's nice outside I have walking paths in my area. Sounds great from this view point... only issue is the motivation to change into some workout clothes and make it happen.
I've done made one change that is key to keeping up the regiment of the workout session. That is to keep the process as simple as possible. Instead on sitting down when I walk in the door in the evening, I go straight to the mindset of getting my hour of exercise in, before a specific time of the night.
My personal motivation is ranged from many different reasoning's, from being a better provider to my kids to wanting to retire and still be able to move around without medical issues. Though there is no guarantee that doing exercises will grant me a healthy end, I'm not one to buck the system.
Others may find other reasons for their motivation to get a workout session done, which can range from different avenues of lifestyles.
Athletically - An athlete finds that in their game it's a matter of preparation. Being ready at the moment is essential, plus the better performance the more likely the paycheck will reflect. Though most athletes don't play the game for money, they do need to eat and provide a roof over their heads. (That might be a little off, since if I was good enough to play a sport... I'd be playing for money.) Along with being a team player the better prepared from a group aspect, the better the overall team will perform.
Longevity - This is one of the few aspects that motivate me. Being able to say that I was around and able to walk my daughters down the aisle for when they're ready for marriage... well that is important to me. In today's time and age, with so many young ladies being more independent, marriage is not something that could happen in their 20's. There might be a good possibility that they might hold out until their 30's or 40's, well needless to say I want to be there when it happens. Being that is my motivation, it might coincide with some others wanting to see a special event that is significant.
Sex - Not to knock on my overweight friends, but in some study some where it's been said that the heavier you are the worse the sex. I'm not saying that you don't last as long for the guys, but let's just say my personal experience is better when my weight is less than 200 lbs. Also the ladies aren't safe from this area either, the more fit or in shape the ladies, the friskier or energetic they are in the bedroom. If sex doesn't motivate you, well you're probably not doing it right in the first place.
Divorce - In today's time and age the likelihood of divorce is quite high. In terms of being attractive after divorce is a concern for many people. Being in a healthy shape will bring more potential future partners to your door. It would also be a good option to start finding one self after, spending time as two, the need to rebuild is a necessary evil. Making the initial move to exercise is a healthy positive aspect of moving forward with one life.
Proper Role Model - With so many negative things in this world, our kids need to have a positive person to look up too. On a personal level, I was a person that would partake in the liquid libation every so often, well too often, and found I needed to change that, once some strange looks were coming from my daughters. I decided that I would treat the alcohol as if it was poison... well I'm not one that would drink poison. I decided that I don't need it if it was going to destroy my relationship with my family. My motto is that I've never made a positive decision under the influence, and since I'm constantly making decisions... you get the idea.
Vanity - Ok, now if I have to explain this, then you're probably vain... no I'm just kidding. Who doesn't want to enjoy the site they see in the mirror. The better you look the better you feel, well at least I do. If I notice that a certain aspect of my body is not looking right, well it's time to get those motivational juices on the move.
Health - I'm not going to say that working out will keep you completely healthy, but I'm willing to bet that not workout will be helpful to the situation. Being an American dealing with obesity is a major issue. Though the majority of the issue is due to what we eat, and not how much we workout. I'm a true believer that it is impossible to out workout a bad diet.
Stress - Though I'm not a high stress person, I do have my moments, just like anyone else. Working out is a very good stress reliever. Putting together a good workout routine that causes you to lose focus on what has stressed you for the day, is a good way to realize that the issues aren't worth the trouble in the first place.
My list of motivation for a workout session may not be the same as yours, but it helps to know what gets your juices going. I'm for one that baby steps is the key to moving a mountain. Keep your mind right and you'll see the changes will come, but don't get frustrated in the factor of not seeing the changes overnight. The one idea I've gotten from my home work DVD's is to take pictures every 30 days.
By Mike Durant
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