Losing weight is a tough task but if you wish to reduce inches from a particular part of the body, it gets tougher. It is disheartening and disappointing when even after spending loads of money and hours in the gym, you just cannot get into your favorite dress because of your protruding tummy.

What you don't know is that your goal to fitness and beauty can be achieved without even going to the gym, or spending a lot of money on anything else, if you choose your workout right. That right choice can very well be Pilates if you are looking for strong and toned core muscles.

The best exercises for a slim waistline through Pilates are:

1. THE MERMAID - Rest on your left hip in a seated position, legs folded together to the left

· Place your left hand on the right ankle and raise your right arm straight up in the air

· Reach out towards the ceiling as far as possible and then to the left

· Relax and repeat it 10 times for both sides.

2. CURLS - Lie down on your back with the knees bent and feet flat on the floor, arms at the sides

· Exhale and curl your chin to your chest with shoulders totally off the mat

· Hold the position for 10 seconds and relax

· Repeat it 10 times

3. PILATES 100 - Lie down flat on your back with your knees bent. Lift your feet off the floor to the table-top position (knees stacked above the hips and bent to 90 degrees)

· Point your toes, squeeze the heels and extend your legs straight up to about 45°

· Raise your head, neck, shoulders and upper back off the mat

· Pump arms up and down while breathing in (5 times) and out (5 times) through the mouth

· Perform 10 sets

4. ROLLING UP - Lie down flat on your back with your arms extended towards the ceiling.

· Exhale, curl chin to chest and roll up to sitting position with arms reaching towards the feet

· Hold the position for 5 seconds

· Inhale, relax and return to starting position

· Repeat 10 times

5. ROLL LIKE A BALL - Bring your knees to the chest, and wrap arms around the legs

· Rock forward until your tailbone touches the floor, and your feet are about few inches above the floor

· Inhale while rolling back to the shoulder blades and exhale while rolling forward, maintaining a balance near the starting position

· Repeat 10 times

6. SINGLE LEG STRETCH - Lie on your back with legs raised to 45°

· Exhale and raise the head, upper back, shoulder and neck above the mat

· Bend your right knee towards the chest with your left hand on the ankle and your right hand on the knee

· Switch legs while exhaling

· Do 20 repetitions

These are few of the best exercises to start with if you have chosen Pilates to get a strong and toned core. However, if at any point, any pain or dysfunction in your body limits you from performing the exercises, you can consult your online physical therapy expert to get back on track in no time. Register today at http://www.theranow.com.
By Richa Kohli 

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