Sometimes, when you have set yourself in the weight loss journey, you may miss your old friends: snacks.

But life does not have to be miserable for you to lose weight. You can add flavour and colour to your life by learning a few smart eating recipes such as this delicious and easy-to-prepare low fat vanilla ice cream.

This recipe is ideal for diabetic people, as it contains no sugar, and it yieds only 3 grams of fat and only 60 kilocalories (250 kilo joules).

If you are in a Weight Watchers plan, that is the equivalent of 1 point per serving!

This is one of those recipes where the list of ingredients is longer than the actual preparation instructions. It is that easy!

In reality people should not have to eat like hermits (with food that tastes like cardboard!). You can prepare you own delicious meals and snacks, and this low fat dessert recipe is proof of that!


2 tsp gelatine dissolved in 2 Tbsp hot water

300 ml chilled low fat evaporated milk

1 tsp vanilla essence

sugar-free sweetener (equivalent to 4 Tbsp sugar)

This is what you do:

Whisk all the ingredients, and pour into freezing trays till it goes hard. It will take a couple of hours, but the wait will pay off!

Tips: You can eat the ice cream on its own, or toping up your favorite fruit or fruit salad. You can also freeze it in ice cube trays and have little ice cream scoops as snacks.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

You need tasty meals to lose weight effortlessly. For more of these delicious low fat recipes visit [http://www.Jeff-The-Skinny-Chef.Com]. You'll find a growing collection of free delicious low fat recipes, articles on healthy eating, and weight loss.
By Jeff Rosales

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