Squat Variations:

1. Basic Squat

This one might be the easiest one of all the exercises given below. The traditional squat is the exercise that you must have done. Apart from strengthening up your legs, it shapes up your lower body. To do the exercise you need to stand with some distance between your feet. Bend your knees and lower your buttock until your thighs are in a parallel position with the floor. Lift your upper body and get back in the previous position. Repeat the exercise.

2. Single-Leg Squat

Also known as Pistol squats, these are great for improving balance. Spread your hands in the front. Lift the other leg and keep it straight just like your hands. Lower your upper body. Lift your body upwards without falling down. It might seem a bit tricky in the beginning but soon you will be able to do it without falling down.

3. Squat Pulses

You can target the muscles of your lower body with the help of this exercise. Lower your body as you would do in a normal squat. Then in that position move your upper body with the help of your thighs up and down in the same knee bent position. You can also call it pulsing up and down. Do the exercise properly to reap its numerous benefits.

4. Dumbbell Split Squat

This exercise is a sure shot method to target your thigh muscles. Keep your left foot on an elevated platform. The right foot will be out of the front and bent the knee. Grab a dumbbell with both hands and let them be by your side. Bend your knees further and lower your body down. Lift your body up. Maintain a proper posture and keep on repeating the movement.

5. Braced Squat

it will increase the stability in the core and will help you in strengthening your lower body part. To do the exercise, you need to stand with some distance between your feet. Hold a weighted plate in the front with the help of both hands. Keep your hands straight so that the plate is right in front of your face. Lower your body and then move it back into the primary position.

6. Chair Squat

This exercise can be performed easily anywhere all you need is a chair. Stand in front of a chair. Lower your body as if you are to sit on the chair but do not sit on the chair. Stop a few inches above the chair. With the help of your abdominal muscles hold your body. You can even straighten your arms out in the front to make it easier. Move your body upwards and repeat the exercise. To increase the level of difficulty, you can do the exercise on your toes.

7. Eagle Squat

This exercise can be done only when you bring your whole body together. You need to wrap up your arms and your legs and then do the squat i.e. lower the upper part of your body and then lift it up. It is quite difficult to do the exercise in this position but for the variation lovers, it is a good option.

8. Sumo Squat

Apart from increased stability, this exercise will help you in targeting your lower body muscles. Stand with increased distance between your feet. Your knees should be facing outwards. Lower your body by bending your knees. Stop when your thighs are parallel to the floor and rise back. To include more variation into this exercise, you can do it on your heels. You can also introduce weights and hold one weight in both your hands. Maintain the proper position while doing the exercise to maximize its benefits.

9. Butt-to-Heels Squat

As the name suggests, you need to lower your body until your buttock touches your heels. You need to raise your heels and be on your toes to do this particular exercise. You can keep your arms out straight in the front for balance. Do the appropriate number of repetitions.

10. Wide-Stance Barbell Squat

This exercise involves the use of Barbell. You need to lift the barbell on the back of your shoulders. Increase the distance between your feet to support the weight that you have lifted. Lower your body down and then lift it upwards just like you do in a normal squat. You need to be extra careful to avoid any kind of injury. The weights can give your muscles new targets.

Effects of Squat Variations:

• You will be able to enjoy your workout- The new variations are bound to make your workout routine more fun and enjoyable.
• You will get better results - Regular squats help you in toning your lower body but obviously, these variations have their own advantage.
• Achieve goals easily - Doing the difficult variation several times will make you a pro and you will achieve your body target sooner.
• Gives new targets to your muscles - Your muscles love being challenged. These variations will give your muscles new targets which will help in their growth.

Shape up your body and stay healthy with the help of these squats variations. Now when you know about all these squat variations and the numerous benefits that they have, hit the gym and burn the excessive lower body fat. In a simpler term, I would say Squat it (fat) Out. I found these exercises quite hard to do. If you know about any other exercise which is equally challenging, let me know about it in the comments below.


By Anil Kumar 

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