If you want to prepare the perfect garlic lemon chicken then you should try this recipe. This is one of the easiest and best recipes around for creating delicious garlic lemon chicken.

Let's get all of the ingredients together that you will need to prepare this wonderful chicken dish. You can either purchase a whole chicken and then cut it into pieces or just buy the cuts that your family enjoys such as chicken thighs or breasts. You will also need 10 cloves of minced garlic, 4 tablespoons of
margarine, 3 large lemons, 1 teaspoon of dried oregano, salt, pepper, and parsley.

You should begin by preheating your broiler. Take your chicken and rinse underwater and skin, then rinse again well under cold water and place in a large baking dish. Squeeze the lemons and reserve the juice.

Sprinkle about one half of the garlic over the chicken and dab ½ of the margarine on various spots on the chicken. Pour ½ of the juice from the lemons on your chicken, and season with the oregano, salt, and pepper. Broil for about 15 minutes, remember to baste quite often.

Remove and turn the chicken, add the remaining of the ingredients just like you did before broiling for the first time. Now you will need to broil your chicken again for another 15 minutes.
Remember, to baste your chicken so it does not burn. If the chicken starts to become too crispy, you can change from broil to bake and bake at 350 degrees until the chicken is completely done. Remove the chicken from the oven and pour the remaining sauce from the baking dish over your chicken and serve.

Everyone will absolutely love this garlic chicken dish. Serving suggestions would be whipped potatoes and a garden salad.

Hans is an editor of Steaks, Seafood and Barbeque Recipes [http://www.steaks-guide.com/product-pages/bbq_recipes.htm]; [http://www.steaks-guide.com]

By Hans Dekker 

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