There is a feeling among interested Paleo converts, and it is as false as it is common, that the Paleo Diet is not for them as they need to go without a lot of of their favorite foods. This false belief makes them cautious and pessimistic towards Paleo meals.

And yes, there are some truths to that belief. Yes, you do have to abstain from an important number of foods. Processed and junk foods are a definite no no however the Paleo diet eating plan is also quite precise and staples for instance, rice, potatoes, dairy (cheese, milk, butter), pasta, and bread is all off limits. Pretty much if the early caveman or hunter gatherer didn't have it then neither do you.

So taking that into consideration, yes absolutely this diet will take some getting used to and when it comes to Paleo dinners and Paleo lunch ideas, your new nutritional lifestyle will certainly be different. However, as difficult as it may first sound, the Paleo diet offers you a lot of benefits and solutions when it pertains to health and nutritional problems in these times, isn't a little bit of a change and some self denial worth a healthier body and a better quality of life? I'm sure you'll agree it will be!

But it doesn't have to be super difficult and to help you make decisions and choices easier it's helpful for you to keep a list of the foods you are allowed and not allowed to eat. Furthermore, this diet is exploding all over the world and consequently there are countless Paleo cookbooks jam packed of the tastiest Paleo recipe ideas offered that will make meal planning easier for you.

Where new Paleo converts sometimes struggle is Paleo Lunch ideas. Here is five helpful tips and ideas on the best choices and easy ways to pack Paleo lunches for you and also your kids.

Paleo Lunch Ideas Made Simple...

1.) Kids need variety in all areas of their life and lunches, especially Paleo lunches are no exception. So don't just keep putting in the same old roast beef each day. Get them involved and make a list together of the Paleo diet approved foods that they like eating. Lunch boxes with compartments are great as you can really mix it up and add a wide selection for them to nosh on! Here is one of my favorite Paleo lunch ideas and the kids love it too! Simply toss together a salad with plenty of avocado and shrimps. Add some yummy baby carrots and sugar snap peas and some paleo mayo. Complement with some Paleo crackers to round it out - delicious!

2.) Again on the kids and repetition of their Paleo lunches. If you can find at least four different Paleo lunch ideas, your job will be easy. You want them looking forward to lunchtime and a bit of creativity goes a long way. All of us like cheat days and don't be afraid to let them choose their own paleo lunch once a week as long it still is full of Paleo diet approved foods! Savory paleo muffins are great for these sorts of Paleo lunch ideas.

3.) Preparation is key when on the Paleo diet as there are so many mainstream foods you just can't have. Therefore its helpful to have a nice little supply of easy Paleo lunch ideas and foods left at your work for those days you didn't think ahead. Some easy Paleo lunches that last a long time are canned tuna, sardines, salmon, mackerel, dried fruit (watch the calories though!) seeds, nuts and even some beef jerky!

4.) Another great tip for your Paleo lunch ideas is to choose food that is just as good whether it is served hot or cold and are no mess, no fuss. Meat and vegetable kebabs do just perfectly in this area and is especially good if you can't get access to a microwave or oven. Easy to make and so very tasty!

5.) We all love a nice care-free food day and nothing outshines a simple salad for your lunch. Choose either vegetable or fruit and just throw all your favorites in and mix it round for a delicious approved Paleo lunch.

In conclusion, Paleo lunches can sometimes bring down the new Paleo convert but it doesn't need to be that way. The key is to have a good grasp on what you can and can't eat, be creative and above all, be prepared. There are many, many options when it pertains to great Paleo meals however if you need some more help, check out the great paleo cookbooks available at the website below. Its absolutely loaded with over 350 amazing Paleo recipes including heaps of delicious Paleo Lunch Ideas!

When first starting out with the Paleo lifestyle it may seem like your choices for meals are limited. However the closer you look and the deeper you dig, you will quickly see that there are countless options to live Paleo and they are not all bland and boring either!

For more information on how to live the Paleo lifestyle including heaps more about, Paleo Meatloaf Recipes, stacks of info plus much, much more, check out

By Seth Arcadia 

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