How to Make Exercise Fun

One of the top five reasons that people give to prevent themselves from exercising is that they say it is 'too boring'. But we would definitely disagree - there are so many things that you can do and also many activities that burn calories out there that will not only keep you fit, but will have you smiling too!

What confuses a lot of people that want nothing to do with exercise, is what exercise actually means - it's not just about lifting heavy weights over and over and working up a sweat - exercise is about getting involved in an activity that gets your heart racing and also burn lots of calories at the same time... and if you can have fun whilst doing that, even better.

Get Outdoors

Being outside has a good psychological effect on your brain - there are no walls, which means there are fewer confinements, less obstructions and because you are out of the house, there are fewer distractions such as the TV or the kitchen.

Take up gardening, go jogging, play football, walk the dog, cycle, or play games in the park with your kids - there are many ways of exercising outdoors that are fun as well as great for you.

Reward Yourself

Have something to look forward to after you have exercised. If you really can't find an activity you like, you may as well reward yourself with something nice after you have reached your targets. Complete your day's exercise and THEN watch TV, listen to music, read or watch a film. Just try to avoid rewarding yourself with food or this will defeat the object of working hard to lose or maintain your weight.

Make It Social

Exercise doesn't have to be a lonely activity - a lot of people prefer to have someone there to motivate them. Whether it is a friend, colleague or family member, getting someone to workout with you is a great way of staying motivated and supported. Even if you both have different goals such as losing or maintaining your weight, your support for one another could be the kind of lift you need to make the exercise much more enjoyable.

If you are quite competitive in nature, you might find that working out with a friend at a competitive sport such as racquetball might be the perfect way of boosting your workout routine and blasting that fat.


The great thing about dancing is that you don't need to be good at it to enjoy it. Whether you are just putting on some energetic music at home and dancing around your bedroom or taking a class at a local venue, dancing is a great way of letting off steam, relaxing, exercising and above all having a good time.

For example, an hour long Zumba class, where the emphasis is on having a 'party' and not the exercise itself is fun for any ability and you can burn between 500 and 600 calories in a session.

Hi I am Gary Abernathy author of this article Fat Loss Factor Program [] and many more. I am an avid Health and fitness nut. I have had a weight problem all my life up to about 5 years ago, when I finally done something about the weight problem. I now write articles such as this one, and have a web site set up so that people can read more interesting articles about weight loss. Please go to Fat Loss Factor Program [] for more information.

By Gary Abernathy 

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