Pointers for a Low-Sugar Diet

Cutting back on your sweets is not as simple as saying no to illegal drugs. While conscious about the health hazards of eating too much sugary food, you will almost always be tempted to taste just a 'teensy weensy' slice of that mouth-watering triple layer chocolate cake with M&M and Oreo bits on top that's sitting on the kitchen counter, your husband's surprise treat to your 8-year old boy. Here are 10 tips to make your sugar reduction undertaking a piece of cake (pun intended).

1. Pass up on prepackaged foods.

Sugar or any of its components are added by food producers in their canned or frozen products, such as those stuck-into-the-microwave, ready-to-use foodstuff you use for your Italian meal preparations like spaghetti or pizza. You can make your meals healthier by buying fresh foodstuff and personally preparing the ingredients that you need.

2. Stick to organic.

When sugar craving hits you, go for unprocessed alternatives such as fruits, honey or molasses. These are better for your health than refined sugars, such as the white sugar that you put in cakes and cookies and candies, brown sugar and corn syrup.

3. Sugar Capping.

Fix your day by day consumption of sugar and stick to it. No tricks! Give up puddings or confectionaries after meals. Your passion for sweets grows less when you get used to skipping desserts.

4. Protein-rich foods as Sugar Stabilizers

Keep yourself hale and hearty by maintaining a diet stuffed with food products rich in protein. Go heavy on meats, fish, chicken, egg, and dairy products like milk, cheese and butter. Protein steadies blood sugar upsurge.

5. Food Nutritional Label Review

Food manufacturers have learned the art of hiding their sugar contents through the use of different names, among them, sucrose, glucose, fructose, dextrose, lactose, and maltose. Scrutinize the list of ingredients at the back of your grocery food products and spurn those with these names in their labels.

6. Go high on fiber, low-carb food

Stuff yourself with meals packed with fiber but low in carbohydrates. Eat plenty of oats, whole wheat pasta, the various types of beans like black beans, kidney beans, lima beans, lentils and soybeans. Pick whole grain foods for a stuffed feeling.

7. Hoax-free Meal Chronicle

Keep a record of the food you eat to find out if you are eating healthy or not. No tampering, please. A review of your daily food intake would help you realize how much, or little, sugar you are ingesting everyday.

8. Sweet Substitutes

Forego a plateful of sugared delicacies after meal and pop a sugar-free gum or cookie into your mouth. Stash these handy sweeteners for your regular sugar boost to keep you from pining for those weight-gaining saccharine treats.

9. No Pass Overs

Blood sugar levels drop when you pass up a meal. Quick sugar fixes to stabilize your blood sugar count increases health risks. So, take your meals on a regular basis.

10. Home-baked Sweets

Can't live without that toothache-causing chocolate bars or sickly-sweet cakes or jellylike candies? Then bake them at home! Buy healthy natural sugar ingredients in the supermarket and cook your pastries, pies and other goodies with only half the sugar ingredient from store-bought treats.

The first step in reducing sugar is to be aware of High Cholesterol Foods.

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By Danny Mitchell Ashton

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