A fact about weight loss which catches most of the people unaware is that nearly 99% of diets are designed in a manner that they trick your body into losing weight.

In most cases, these diets are focused on cutting out a macronutrient group, such as proteins, carbs or fats altogether so as to limit calories.

But this sets one up for failure, always and without a fail! And that is because you can only trick your body in the short term. Over time, the body will rebel back, and you may even end up gaining some extra pounds!

What we sometimes fail to understand is that it is very important for an individual to be healthy to lose weight. And if weight loss is your priority, the best way to go about is putting in place a multifaceted approach to get healthy!

This way, you'd come to realize that weight loss is achieved naturally, and this would be weight loss which is sustainable, and successful!


When one gets too much exercise while one's diet is poor or calorie count is low, it sends your body running for safety, and it makes up by slowing down the metabolism.

With a chronic energy deficit, wherein you have fewer calories coming in than going out, the body over time starts believing that food is scarce. And as a result, the body begins to hold on to fat, simply as a way to safeguard itself. So the struggle for weight loss is made counter-productive.


A low protein diet is almost sure to slow down the process of weight loss. This is mainly because liver and detoxification processes are protein dependent.

So while a low protein diet does not augur well for weight loss, it does not augur well for long term health as well!


While cutting out some sugars like candies, sweetened sodas and fake sweeteners may be fine, you might have to take care that you hold on to the truly nourishing sugars that you get from fresh fruits, fresh fruit juices or even honey!

Glycogen is necessary to convert the inactive thyroid hormone into the active form and keep the metabolism working well. But if you cut out the sugars completely, this hinders the body's natural ability to store glycogen!

In the same way, one needs to take care that one does not cut out too many potassium rich fruits, such as bananas and papaya because it affects the thyroid function even more.


In actual practice, excessive weight might signify a nutritional deficit. So one must try and make sure that one doesn't deprive one's body of nutrients, and goes for a diet which is high on nutrition. This would make sure that your cravings reduce by themselves over time. So it's all about listening to your body.


One has to try and make sure that one balances his diet instead of cutting out all fat from the diet!

Cutting out fat completely from your diet would rob you of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, because these nutrients are found only in fats.

And in the same coin this deprives the body of nutrition, which is weight loss's worst enemy!

The key is to be patient with your body, because weight loss doesn't happen overnight. You just need to listen to your body's cravings and fuel it right!

If you are looking forward to lose weight, look good and feel great, you must check out the slimming section at Telesky Shopping. Some of the highlights among selections are some 100% herbal products, which enable you to lose weight without having to bring about a change in your lifestyle patterns.

Or you could opt for the natural sweeteners in the list, which are nutritious, keep the body supple, such that the cravings for sugar are gone. And as you work towards weight loss, you effectively fight diabetes as well.


By Harshad Jethra

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