3 Healthy Vegetable Recipes
Vegetable recipes are an easy way to stay healthy, people with diabetes are often recommended to try them. Vegetables are often described as one of the easiest things to cook. One popular recipe is oven baked zucchini fries. Oven baked zucchini fries will make a great snack for someone who is looking to watch their weight.
Oven Baked Zucchini Fries
· 1/4 cup Grated Parmesan Cheese
· 1 pound zucchini
· 1 small egg
· 1 packet Shake & Bake Coating Mix
Method of preparation:
Pre heat your oven to 450 degrees. Cut the zucchini like French fries strips. Whisk the small egg in a bowl and put the coating in another bowl. After you're done cutting the zucchini, toss it in the egg and then in the shake and bake mix, making sure the zucchini is completely covered. After coating the zucchini chips, place them on a baking tray and bake for about 12 to 15 minutes.
Vegetable recipes have come a far way. You can do almost anything with vegetables. A new recipe that people have raved about is Grilled Bacon Jalapeno Wraps. This recipe is so easy to make and makes a great appetizer or side dish to any meal.
Grilled Bacon Jalapeno Wraps
· 6 jalapeno peppers,halved and seeded
· 8 ounces of cream cheese
· 12 slices of bacon
Method of preparation:
Make sure your grill is preheated. Spread the cream cheese inside the halved jalapenos and wrap it with bacon. You can keep the bacon and jalapeno together by sticking a toothpick through them. The next step is to place the jalapenos wrapped in bacon on the grill and cook them until the bacon is nice and crispy.
There are even vegetable recipes that children would really like. Children are always so picky when it comes to what food they eat,so why not make things fun and try different things?
Another recipe to try is the Cauliflower mashed potatoes. Children have been eating mashed potatoes since before they could talk, so they are very familiar with mashed potatoes,which may persuade them to try this recipe.
Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes
· Cauliflower
· Chicken stock
· Milk
· Butter
Method of preparation:
Boil as much cauliflower as needed to feed the number of people you have eating with you in a very small amount of chicken stock. After the cauliflower is cooked,drain the chicken stock out of the pan, but leave about 2 tablespoons of liquid at the bottom. Using a blender, mash the cauliflower like you would if you were making mashed potatoes, adding in milk and butter as you go till you have the desired texture.
Vegetable recipes are usually low in carbohydrates and can usually go with any meal you may be making as a main dish. You can find vegetable recipes all over the internet. Many people online use the popular websitePinterest.com to look up vegetable recipes, but specific websites also exist.
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