Getting a good breakfast meal in each day is a must if you are looking to achieve excellent health standing. You may think you do not have time for breakfast, but if you want to feel energized, have an easier time with fat loss, and put forth the best performance at work or school, you should make time. What you eat for this morning meal will make a difference.

Not quite sure what to serve? Let us look at a few of the smart breakfast swaps to put into place to take your nutrition up a notch...

1. Swap A Cereal Bar For Toast With Peanut Butter. A cereal bar may be a great grab-and-go option, but it severely lacks in protein as well as healthy fats. These are sugar bombs that are going to lead to an energy spike followed quickly by an energy crash.

The result? You crave more food and end up having a mid-morning snack.

The better solution? Try a slice of toast with some peanut butter. The peanut butter will provide the healthy fats and a bit of protein while the bread if you choose the right variety, will offer healthier carbs.

2. Swap Cold Cereal With Oatmeal And Berries. Cold cereal may be fast and easy, but it is often loaded with sugar. Not to mention, usually it is made with refined carbohydrates.

Instead, try a bowl of hearty oatmeal. It will fill you up and is sugar-free. Add flavor by stirring in some fresh berries or a little sugar-free maple syrup instead.

3. Swap Fruit Flavored Yogurt For Greek Yogurt With Berries. You may love digging into a container of fruit-flavored yogurt for your breakfast meal, but it too contains too much sugar. Many people think yogurt is the healthy choice, but often it is anything but healthy.

Instead, try some Greek yogurt with fresh berries. Greek yogurt contains far more protein and will help you stay well fueled until lunch. In addition to this, you will also take in fiber when you add fresh berries.

4. Swap Fruit Juice For Fresh Fruit. Last but not least, try swapping out your fruit juice with some real fruit instead. Fruit juice is just never really a good option on any diet plan as it is loaded with sugar and very high in calories.

Fresh fruit is rich in fiber and will fill you up quickly with only 50 to 100 calories per serving. It is a much smarter choice.

Keep these swaps in mind and start applying them to your breakfast meal. Make the right choices at this time of the day, and you will notice a big difference in how you feel and function.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years, Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

By Beverleigh H Piepers

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