If you are ready to focus on losing weight and getting in shape, let's address the 3 Cs of a healthy life which are Courage, Change, and Choices. An easy way to remember the 3 Cs of a healthy life is with this simple sentence: To develop a healthy life you need to have the courage to change the choices you face. Does that sound like something you're up for? Let's dive into each one of these topics to see just what they actually entail so you can have as much success on this often difficult endeavor.

The 3 C's of a Healthy Life

The Courage To Develop a Healthy Life

One of the first most important fundamental necessities to develop a healthy life is courage. Courage is of utmost importance since you will need to face some issues that will likely make you feel uncomfortable. You will be purposely forcing yourself to confront topics you have likely avoided in the past which is why you reached the weight amount you are today.

For example, you will need to have courage to get off the couch, put some tennis shoes on and get outside to walk or run for an hour 3-5 days a week. You will have to have courage to cook a healthy meals for lunch or dinner in your own kitchen. It takes a hefty amount of courage in order to effectively deal with weight loss on a daily basis.

Changing To A Healthy Life

Once you've determined you have the courage to give this weight loss process an honest effort, the next item of business is the fact that changes must be made in your life. Gaining weight is generally the result of taking in far too many calories than your body needs on a regular basis along with not consistently getting a sufficient amount of exercise. These are the specific areas that need to be addressed and turned into moments that will be beneficial for your health.

You have to be willing to change a number of aspects in your life if you want to have any chance of successfully losing weight. Changing from soda to water. Changing from enormous fast food meals to home-cooked, appropriately portioned meals. Changing from potato chip snacking to almonds with raisins. These are the changes you need to have the courage to make.

The Choices In A Healthy Life

Once you have the courage to tackle the weight loss process and are willing to make specific changes in how you live your life, the final step is to deal with are the many choices you'll be confronted with on a day-to-day basis. This may be the toughest part of this whole endeavour since there are quite a number of choices that you'll have to make each and every day.

Think about everything that has happened today since you woke up this morning. There have likely been 5-10 choices related to nutrition and exercise you had to decide on since getting out of bed. Here are some likely choices you've dealt with:

- Should I wake up early to run before work?
- What to eat for breakfast?
- Should I snack while watching TV?
- What will I have for lunch?
- Should I get something from the vending machine at break?
- Stop on the way home from work and pick up fast food or a pizza?
- Snack on this bag of chips while driving to work?

Each one of these choices will have an effect on your weight loss efforts. The effect will be a positive one if you make controlled, conscientious decisions. The effect may be negative if you don't maintain self-control and a strong willpower.

It's all on your shoulders to make the right choices that will benefit your health and in turn help you lose that excess weight. This process takes time so stick with the 3 C's of a healthy life and you will reach your goal.

About the Author: Gregory L. Gomez, M. Ed, has been teaching 5th grade in the Los Angeles Unified School District for the past 17 years. He created 10Quickies.com to help teachers and parents provide children in 2nd-5th grades with a fun and inspirational way to review grade level math. He also wants readers to be mindful of their health and fitness especially since it's easy to overlook in the hustle and bustle of daily life. You can start focusing on your health starting today by using these 5 Healthy Eating Tips found here --> http://10quickies.com/article_5healthyeatingtips.html

By Gregory L Gomez 

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